Fiesta Taco Salad

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1. Prepare cooked ingredients:

Place a large non-stick skillet on medium heat. Add diced onion, corn, diced pickled jalapenos, ground meat, and taco seasoning. Stir and cook under medium heat until cooked (for chicken you can add water to prevent sticking)

2. Prepare salad:

-Place lettuce in a large serving bowl,
-place cherry tomatoes and black olives all around
-add the hot skillet ingredients in the middle
-add the cheese (it should melt over the hot ground meat)
-add avacado
-sprinkle Cauli Crunch all around as desired (add more for extra CRUNCH)
-add dabs of sour cream as desired
-add lime wedges, and a squeeze a half lime over salad
-add 4-5 tortilla chips for decoration


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